Archive for May, 2021

From The Rabbi – Parshat Bamidbar – Shavuot 5781

Israel is under attack and we are all following the news and social media posts with concern, we pray for the violence to end and for lasting peace to prevail in the region.

We encourage everyone to actively show special solidarity with Israel over this period. Be a proud Jew, don’t cower to false narratives and do something special to strengthen the Jewish spirit and sense of community.

With a strong spirit we can confront almost any challenge. The Jewish spirit comes from community, and from our traditions. Let us unite together around this time, take upon ourselves to add a prayer, do an extra Mitzvah, or recite the Shema prayer with a little more focus and concentration.

In the book of Deuteronomy there is a verse that states: “And the nations of the world will see that the name of Hashem is upon you and they will fear you”. The Talmud (Menachot 35b) quotes Rabbi Eliezer the Great, who interprets this verse as a reference to  the head , which contain the nameof Hashem. In simple words, when we wear Tefilin, even for a few moments, it has the power to instill fear in those who seek to harm us.

Men, bring out your Tefilin, put them on and recite the Shema prayer and think about the people of Israel! Women, please drop a few extra coins in the charity box before you light the candles tomorrow evening at 4.50pm and add a special prayer for peace and security in our Holy Land.

As we open up a new book of the Torah this week, Bamidbar – In the wilderness, it reminds us of our individual and collective journeys through history and through life, and that every experience, openly good or otherwise, brings us closer to our ultimate destination of revealed goodness, holiness and tranquility.

As we prepare for the uplifting Chag – Festival of Shavuot, may we merit, once again the revelation of Hashem in the world, through open miracles, with peace and security in Israel and throughout the world.

Shabbat Shalom and and we look forward to see you in Shul over Shabbat and Shovuot.

Levi and Dvorah Jaffe