Archive for June, 2019
From The Rabbi – Parshat Nasso 5779
Last weekend, Shavuot was celebrated at our beautifully adorned Brisbane Synagogue, with a great attendance of children and their parents, who filled the Sanctuary with so much youthful vibrancy and joy. For the reading of the 10 Commandments, the Bimah was filled with children, as our esteemed member John OAM (Reb Yona) Goldman recited the blessings on the Torah followed by an enthusiastic and resounding amen by everyone, especially the children. Kol Hakavod to all the parents for coming along with their children, and to Toba and Shternie Jaffe, who came up from Melbourne for Shavuot, who assisted Rebbetzen Dvorah in leading our notorious children’s program and Ice-Cream Party.
It was particularly lovely for us to welcome two of our youngest members, Jacob Cohen and Chana Rothenberg, who were brought by their parents for their first visit to Shul. We were also privileged to receive the Birchat Kohanim (Priestly blessings) from our wonderful and dedicated Kohanim, (of priestly decent) Neil Kaplan and Jarrod Kaplan, Shkoyach Koahanim!
Yashar Koach (good on you) to all those who made a special effort to attend services to assist in securing Minyanim over Shavuot. We extend our deep thanks and sincere appreciation to Ibrox Nursery in Burbank, and the students of Sinai College and the UBHE Cheder for the lovely floral and greenery Shavuot decorations which adorned our beautiful Synagogue. Kol Hakavod!
Shabbat Shalom and we look forward to seeing you in Shul.
Rabbi Levi and Dvorah Jaffe
From The Rabbi – Parshat Bechukotai 5779
A special Kiddush – luncheon will
be held, following the Shabbat morning service tomorrow, to farewell our
long-standing dedicated and beloved communal stalwarts, Sharryn and
(Reb Yona) John OAM Goldman, who are relocating down to Melbourne to
live closer to their daughters, sons-in-law, and their families.
Both Sharryn and John have unstintingly and
selflessly served our Shul and community over many decades. In addition
to the help and support they have provided to countless individuals on a
personal level, they have served in various leadership and other
volunteer positions, among them, as President of the Brisbane Hebrew
Congregation, the BHC Women’s Guild, the Chevra
Kaddisha (Jewish Burial Society), WIZO, NCJW, Courage to Care, and B’nai Brith Youth Group in the 70’s.
Both Sharryn and Reb Yona are stirling examples of Mentchlechkeit (human decency) and communal dedication, to whom we all owe a tremendous dept of thanks and appreciation.
Reb Yona will deliver a farewell sermon from the pulpit tomorrow.
Last Shabbat the Brisbane Synagogue was
host to a most wonderful group of over fifty high school students and
their leaders from the Bnei Akiva youth movement, who converged on
Brisbane from Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, to spend a Shabbat in our
Prior to the Kabbalat Shabbat
service, Vice-President Aaron Goldman presented a fascinating history of
the congregation and community, and members of the Bnei Akiva, along
with our local Betar Youth movement, assisted in leading a most
melodious and uplifting Friday night service.
A combined Bnei Akiva and Betar spirited
Youth Shabbat dinner followed the service in the Memorial hall, which
was also attended by members of AUJS (Australian Union of Jewish
The Shabbat morning service was again led
by Bnei Akiva, including the reading of the Torah, which was shared by
various members.
Several members of our congregation have
commented on how uplifted and inspired they were by the lively and
youthful atmosphere which pervaded our Shul. We look forward to many
more such experiences in our Shul and community.
Tomorrow evening commences Yom Yerushalayim – Jerusalem
Day, marking 52 years since the Reunification of Jerusalem during the
Six Day War. What a miracle that we have a united Jerusalem and the
Western Wall which was off limits to Jews from 1948 – 1967
Save the date for the great celebration of our special anniversary on Shavuot, commencing next Motzoey Shabbat
(Saturday evening). Please see service times and information below in
this regard, including our annual popular kids program and ice-cream
party,which will take place next Sunday. This Shabbat we will bless the incoming month of Sivan. You are welcome to join us at 7.30am tomorrow in the Synagogue for the recital of Tehillim (Psalms), prior to the morning service. Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov |
Rabbi Levi and Dvorah Jaffe |