Archive for January, 2021
From The Rabbi – Parshat Vaerah 5781
Baruch Hashem (thank G-d) the lockdown, last weekend, was lifted on Monday evening however, restrictions remain in place, including the wearing of masks in indoor venues and social distancing, this includes places of Worship. Hence, we will have an early “”Purim” this Shabbat….
Among the reasons for mask-wearing on Purim, is to remind us that, although the Purim story reads as a natural series of events, which led to the salvation of our people nevertheless, if we examine more closely behind the scenes we notice the guiding Hand of Hashem causing everything to happen at the right time and the right place. This reminds us that , although there may be times when Hashem’s presence and blessings in our life are concealed and masked, Hashem is always there behind the scenes, pulling the strings, and always for our good.
Although we are currently living through such challenging times and, we certainly need Hashem to remove His mask once and for all, in some ways we are indeed fortunate that, due to modern technology, we were able, last Friday afternoon, to conduct our Erev Shabbat zoom session, with the participation of almost 50 members and friends, who were inspired and uplifted by the prayers and words shared, including a tribute by to Bernie Goldman to his late father, Ellis Goldman OBM, in honour of his Yahrtzeit.
We were all looking forward to enjoy a scrumptious cholent Kiddush this Shabbat but, alas, we will need to wait yet another week for this to hopefully take place next Shabbat, Parshat Bo, Jan. 23, 2021, to honour the memory of late Adela and Ellis Goldman OBM.
Please see important information below from Qld health regarding the current Covid restrictions and guidelines.
This week we continue reading the familiar story of our exodus from Egypt, as we are introduced to the first seven of the ten plagues, leading to the miraculous exodus from ancient Egypt.
May we indeed experience these abundant miracles, and may all of humanity be blessed with healing, comfort and inner tranquility, with the ultimate blessing of eternal peace and redemption!
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe
From The Rabbi – Parshat Shemot 5781
Due the three-day lockdown, commencing this evening at 6pm, services will not be conducted at the Brisbane Synagogue this Shabbat and the delicious Cholent, which was scheduled for this Shabbat, in honour of late Adela and Ellis Goldman OBM, will be served, please G-d, next Shabbat instead. We extend our wishes to the Goldman and Jacobson families for a long life in commemoration of the Yahrtzeit of late Ellis OBM, who was a great stalwart of our congregation and community. May his neshamah be elevated.
Bernie Goldman was scheduled to deliver a talk this evening from the pulpit in honour of the Yahrtzeit of his late father Ellis. Due to the lockdown, we have included Bernie’s talk in the ‘Tradition’ section below.
Please see important information below from Qld health regarding the lockdown.
Not withstanding the challenges we are currently facing, we are truly blessed to be living in such a technologically advanced era, which affords us the opportunity to communicate and connect easily via social media and other mediums. This will enable us to maintain our Erev Shabbat zoom sessions, which will be held this afternoon at 5.30pm via Zoom, and our Monday morning Shacharit (morning service) will also be conducted via Zoom at the usual time of 6am.
Please make a special effort to light the candles this evening at the proper time of 6.30pm, and may we suggest that we pray the Kabbalat Shabbat service together following candle lighting, from the comforts of our own homes.
This week we begin a new chapter of our early history with the second book of the Torah, Shmot, often referred to as the book of ‘Exodus’, containing the well-known story of our miraculous exodus from ancient Egypt.
May we indeed experience these abundant miracles, and may all of humanity be blessed with healing, comfort and the ultimate blessing of eternal peace and redemption!
Shabbat Shalom
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe