Archive for May, 2021
From The Rabbi – Parshat Behalotecha 5781
Last night we witnessed the magnificent eclipse of the full moon, which momentarily cast a shadow over earth.
Our sages compare the Jewish nation to the moon, which waxes and wanes, indicating that although we may experience times of challenge, ultimately we will bounce back and shine again.
The past few weeks have not been pleasant for Israel and the Jewish people and we may be left wondering, is the world really improving, perhaps we are going backwards?
Many of us find ourselves searching the internet or social media for voices of support and words of encouragement to counteract the disproportionate media bias and distortion of the truth.
As Jews, we always look to the Torah and its guiding light, particularly in times of crises and concern.
This Shabbat we read Parshat Behalotcha, which opens with the topic of lighting the Menorah, and the Haftarah too, contains the subject of illuminating the world with the spirit of light and goodness, which will certainly prevail over evil and darkness, concluding with the famous words of the prophet Zechariah, “Lo Bechayil Velo Bekoach, ki im beruchi, amar Hashem“, “Not through armies and not through physical might, but through my spirit, says Hashem”
Our sages remind us that light ultimately prevails over darkness, and the goodness and positive energy that we generate will certainly overcome the darkness of the world and usher in an era of true and lasting light and peace.
Let us strengthen our spirit, our connection to Hashem and to each other, which will lead us to the ultimate triumph of light over darkness, ushering in the era of true and lasting peace in Israel and throughout the world.
Shabbat Shalom and may we share good news.
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe
From The Rabbi – Parshat Naso 5781
Our Synagogue was beautifully adorned with flowers and greenery (pictured below), graciously decorated by the students of Sinai College and the UBHE Cheder. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the students and their teachers for the magnificent job they have done, and to our members and friends who have attended and participated in the various Shavuot services, learning program, and festivities.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of Israel during difficult times, please consider joining us this Sunday for an evening of prayer and solidarity with Israel. Bookings are essential, as per the information provided below.
It is not too late to book for what promises to be a fascinating and uplifting talk this evening with Rabbi Dr Laibl Wolf, who is a world renowned speaker and expert on Jewish spirituality and mindfulness.
This week we read the Torah portion Naso – Lift Up, which contains the well-known priestly blessings, which many have the custom to bestow upon their children each Friday evening. May we, along with all of our people and all of humanity be uplifted with abundant blessings of peace, happiness and prosperity
Shabbat Shalom and we look forward to seeing you in the near future.
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe