Archive for September, 2021
From The Rabbi – Parshat Bereshit 5782
We are pleased to report that the last days of the festive month of Tishrei were enjoyed immensely by all who participated in the celebrations and it was particularly lovely to welcome the children along with their families, who experienced the joy and exuberance of Simchat Torah. In order to instill a love and warmth for Yiddishkeit, it is crucial that we demonstrate the ‘joys’ and not the ‘Oys’ of being Jewish to our children and grandchildren. Kol Hakavod to all concerned, and a huge Mazal Tov to our young Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshit honorees, Paul Johnson, and Daniel Rothenberg and their wives, Laura and Claudia and their families, for the great honour bestowed upon them and for their kind sponsorship of the kids lolly bags and the Simchat Torah Kiddush, which was enjoyed by all.
As we concluded the five books of the Torah and commenced again from Bereshit, it was particularly special for us to begin the new cycle of the Torah reading from our recently restored Czeck Torah, which was rescued from the Shoah. This precious sacred Torah would most likely be the oldest item in our Synagogue, having been hand-written in the 1840’s.
On a related matter, we are pleased to include below more exciting and fascinating information in the Heritage Corner of the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation, compiled by Dr Michael Briner OAM, to whom we owe a great dept of gratitude for the magnificent work he is doing on behalf of our congregation in this regard. Kol Hakavod!
This week we begin reading the Torah again from ‘Bereshit’ – ‘In the Beginning’ and, as the well-known Yiddish adage goes “Vi Mir Shtelt Zich Avek Shabbos Bereshis, azoy geit der Gantzer Yor” – “the way we establish ourselves Shabbat Bereshit, so follows the whole year”. Let’s make the most of this very special Shabbat!
As we commence the new cycle of the Torah, we avail ourselves of this opportunity to extend our heartfelt wishes to you and your family for a year filled with much good health, happiness and prosperity and may we share many Simchot!
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe
From The Rabbi – Shabbat Chol Hamoed Sukkot
As we are now in the midst of the joyful festival of Sukkot and gearing up the final uplifting days of the festive month of Tishrei, with the celebrations of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah next week, we continue to along our spiritual journey, which commenced in the preparatory introspective month of Elul, leading into the solemn and serious days of awe of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, culminating in the exuberance and joy of these uplifting Chagim festivals.
We express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to Yossi White for his kind assistance in leading the services and reading the Torah at the BHC in our absence over the first days Sukkot and Shabbat Chol Hamoed, which is greatly appreciated.
We extend our Mazal Tov wishes to Paul and Laura Johnson and Daniel and Claudia Rothernberg and their respective families. for the great honour bestowed upon Paul and Daniel, as our Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshit, May all the beautiful brachot (blessings) we will bestow upon them and their families on this special occasion materialize in their fullest measure and may we share many Simchot in good health.
Our sincere thanks and appreciation to Eddy Berkovitz and Johny Miller for their kind and capable building of our Shul Sukkah, with the assistance of Tzipporah Byron and the beautiful decorations created by the children of Sinai College and the UBHE Cheder, with the assistance of their dedicated teachers, Devorah Harkham and Laurence Terret.
We are of course all aware of the deep and meaningful benefits contained within the observance of the eternal Mitzvot of Hashem, however it was refreshing to come across an interesting article today, during the festival of Sukkot, entitled, “The benefits of Creating your own Botanical Spaces within the Home” in which the author Sue Williams, writes, “We also know it (creating green space in the home) can reduce depression, anxiety and aggression. We are so intuitively linked to the natural environment; we just need contact with nature for our physical and psychological well-being. Human beings are hard-wired to green.”
Please see information below regarding Sukkot and Simchat Torah services and events and please ensure that you register your attendance via the Brisbane Synagogue website
Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach
Levi and Dvorah Jaffe