Archive for April, 2023
From The Rabbi – Last Days Pesach and Parshat Shemini 5783
The first days of Pesach attracted a good number of people to the Synagogue services, with over eighty people attending the communal Sedar on the first night, and over twenty people on the second night.
What a nachas – pleasure to farewell the Memorial Hall for its last Pesach Seder, filled with people of all ages, nationalities, and walks of life, celebrating our beautiful traditions, singing the familiar tunes together, and enjoying the delicious food, graciously prepared by Aron Kann of the Gold Coast, to whom we express our deep thanks and sincere appreciation.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Yeshivah students, Yosef Bonder, Yochanan Groner, Shalom Ber Liberow, and Mendel Perlow, for their wonderful energy and spirit, in leading the services and conducting the inspiring Sedarim – Seders so competently.
We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Mendy and Yisroel Rimler, and Avrohom Sorkin, who will be joining us for the last days of Pesach. Please make a special effort to attend services over the last days, as we will be reciting the Yizkor – Memorial prayers for our loved ones.
The final days of Pesach are associated with the ultimate Redemption, during which many have the custom to enjoy a special meal, known as Moshiach Seudah – Meal of Moshiach. (Please see flyer below).
We join with our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world in mourning the loss of two young sisters, Rina and Maia Dee, who, along with their mother were brutally murdered in Israel, over the first days of Pesach.
May we experience the ultimate personal and global liberation from all constraints, sadness and suffering and merit the ultimate redemption, when the entire world will be elevated to a state of tranquility and peace, in fulfillment of the Prophetic words of Isaiah (2:4), as inscribed on the entrance to the United Nations building in New York “They shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.”
We avail ourselves of this opportunity to extend our best wishes to you and your family for a Chag Sameach, filled with much joy, tranquility, and true freedom.
Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Levi & Dvorah Jaffe