Archive for November, 2023
From The Rabbi – Parshat Toldot 5784
Last week, we received an unexpected knock on our door from a friendly neighbor, Helen and her husband Bob, who shared with us about how horrified and appalled they were over the Simchat Torah atrocities in Israel and that they are here to support us in any way should we need them. We have received countless similar comments, via the Synagogue website, emails and text messages from total strangers, from all cultures and backgrounds, expressing their love and support to Israel and the Jewish people, during these trying times.
While we are all broken-hearted, and concerned about how the current situation in Israel will unfold, there is a tremendous amount of global good-will, support, and resolve, to fight the evils of the world, and it is incumbent upon us to remain strong and united in our resolve to continue to strengthen ourselves, our commitment to Hashem, to increase in acts of goodness and kindness and to continue to generate light, and to unite thought the performance of Mitzvot, meaningful prayer and Torah study, as we have witnessed in an overwhelming manner over the past few weeks.
It is fascinating that we read this week of the struggles, which took place between our patriarch Yitzchak and the local inhabitants, the Pelishtim. The Torah describes the ultimate triumph of Yitzchak and the peace treaty that was made over the wells, thus the name of the place became B’er Sheva until this very day. It is ironic that all these years later, we have witnessed atrocious attacks on our people in that very same town and region, and we sincerely hope and pray that peace will ultimately reign again, with the safe return of all the hostages to their families, for the safety of our Chayalim and the harmonious co-existence of all of humanity.
Last Shabbat morning, we sadly did not have a Minyan, due to some of our regular attendees being away. As we approach the summer, when some of our members will be away, we encourage you to make an effort to come along and join us at Shul.
May we witness the ultimate blessing of enduring peace in Israel and throughout the world with our long awaited redemption. .
Wishing you Shabbat Shalom, and may we share good news.
Rabbi Levi & Dvorah Jaffe