Archive for February, 2024
From The Rabbi – Parshat Yitro 5784
This morning, following our Shacharit service, attended by a dedicated and enthusiastic group of people, it was heartwarming and uplifting to witness the spirit and the conviviality, as everyone enjoyed a friendly shmooze over coffee and refreshments following the service. One of the attendees commented that it was a shame that more of our members and friends don’t come along and take advantage of the wonderful and friendly atmosphere of our Shabbat and weekday services, at which we are afforded the opportunity to catch up with old and new friends, and meet many interstate and overseas visitors, who frequent our beautiful Synagogue. Kol hakavod to all of our regular attendees, and we invite others to come along and join our uplifting and meaningful services.
This week, in the weekly Parsha – Torah portion of Yitro, we read of how Yitro, following his extensive research into all the various idol-worshiping religions of his day, eventually became aware of Hashem and came to the recognition “That Hashem is greater than all the false deities”, and embraced the Jewish religion, leaving behind the material comforts of his home, traveling into the desert to join the Jewish people and their destiny.
The story of Yitro is followed by the revelation of Hashem on Mt Sinai and the receiving of the Ten Commandments, which have positively influenced mankind more than any other doctrine, as the famous non-Jewish scholar and writer, Thomas Cahill author of ‘The Gifts of the Jews’, writes, “the Ten Commandments not only provided moral guidelines but also profoundly influenced human thought, language, and the very concept of history itself. Their impact extends far beyond religious boundaries, leaving an indelible mark on civilization”.
According to Jewish tradition, the Torah contains the very blueprint and DNA of creation, hence it serves as a meaningful guide in all areas of life, not just the Synagogue and religious observance.
Our upcoming JLI course ‘Advice to Life’, commencing this Monday evening, will explore an authentic Torah-based guide to navigate through life, and infuse it with meaning and purpose. Please consider joining this course and, if you wish, you are welcome to attend the first lesson as a no-obligation free trial. Please respond to this email, if you would like to trial the first lesson, or register online for the entire course.
Click here to watch the course promo video:
This Shabbat we will bless the incoming joyous month of Adar Rishon – Adar 1, as our sages teach us, Mishenichnas Adar Marbim Besimcha – ‘When the month of Adar arrives we increase in joy’ , and this year, being a Jewish leap year, we will enjoy a double dose of real true joy, with Adar 1 and Adar 2.
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov,