- From time to time the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation hosts special functions for the holy-days as well as Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Weddings and other special functions for its members.
- These functions are either run directly by the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation and/or by another party who has leased our premises for the occasion.
- Payments to functions are of two types:
1. Directly to the Brisbane Hebrew Congregation through our website; or
2. Through a link that directs you to the party that has leased our premises and is organising the function.
- All payments for functions made directly through our website are governed by our Refund Policy.
- All information collected is also governed by our Privacy Policy.
- Please note that we will NOT direct you to anther party’s website that does not contain a Refund and Privacy Policy on that website. Payments made on another party’s website are governed by their policies and we do not assume any liability, implied or otherwise.