Archive for April, 2022

From The Rabbi – Parshat Tazriah / Shabbat HaChodesh 5782

This past week, while visiting a lonely wheel-chair bound member of our community, our conversation meandered to the topic of the various challenges of living alone under such limiting circumstances and the compromise of one’s dignity and pride in being dependent on others to help one dress and shower etc. As I sat there feeling a sense of deep sympathy towards this individual, the conversation suddenly switched to a description of how, in engaging in conversation with the care workers about their lives, it became evident that many of them were dealing with various challenges of their own, and this truly inspiring person now is finding a renewed sense of purpose in offering a listening ear, expressing interest in, and uplifting the lives of others.

This Shabbat is one of those rare occasions when we will remove three Torah scrolls from the ark as, in addition to the reading of the weekly Parsha – Torah portion, we will read a special section for Rosh Chodesh – the new Month, and the final reading of a series of four special readings, in the lead up to Pesach – Passover, known as Parshat Hachodesh – which highlights the uniqueness of the beginning of the month of Nissan, the head of the Jewish months. “This month shall be the head of the months for you.” (Exodus 12:2)

Our Jewish calendar however begins with Rosh Hashanah – ‘The Head of the Year’ celebrated in the Jewish month of Tishrei, when we traditionally dip apple in honey, symbolic of our prayers for a sweet new year ahead, and we make resolutions for the new year. How do we explain these apparent two conflicting beginnings?

There is actually a debate in the Talmud regarding this issue. Rabbi Yehoshua argues that Tishrei (Rosh Hashanah) is the start of the new year. Rabbi Eliezer however disagrees, claiming that the month of Nissan is our new beginning.

As with all Talmudic discussion, there is always a deeper dimension behind the debate. Everyone agrees that creation of the first humans, Adam and Chava (Eve) took place on the first day of the month of Tishrei. But there are two parts to the creation of man, as with all of existence—the physical and the spiritual The debate between the rabbis, then, is what came first—the physical world or the spiritual reality? While physical creation occurred in the month of Tishrei, the motivation and conception for creation occurred in the month of Nissan.  This is reflected in the miraculous event we commemorate during this month: the Exodus, redemption and freedom from physical slavery and limitations, as we commenced our journey to receive the Torah.

We express our deep thanks to our dear communal friend above, for the refreshing conversation and a living example of the above message namely, that regardless of the physical challenges one may be presented with in life, we are blessed with the spiritual capacity to discover deeper meaning and the unique capacity to uplift ourselves and the spirit of others.

We look forward to welcome you at Shul and to have you join us for the delicious Cholent Kiddush, which will be served in the Memorial Hall following the service.

Please see information below regarding Pesach – Passover, which we will be celebrating in two weeks from now, including service times and the Communal Seders, to be held in the Brisbane Synagogue Memorial Hall.

Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov

Levi and Dvorah Jaffe