Archive for October, 2023

From The Rabbi – Shabbat Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah 5784

We are currently in Jerusalem spending  quality time with our family, and are truly blessed to have been present at the Kotel – Western Wall, for the annual Sukkot festival Birchat Kohanim – Priestly Blessings, which was attended by over fifty thousand people, from all walks of life and nationalities.  It was truly remarkable to witness the throngs of people, meandering through the Old City of Jerusalem’s streets, converging on the Kotel plaza, which was packed to capacity, overflowing to the stairs and balconies, overlooking the last remaining origional wall of theHar Habayit  (Temple Mount), may the entire Bet Hamikdash – Holy Temple be speedily rebuilt and restored to its former glory, as we recite three times each day in our Amidah prayers,, Vetechezenah Eineinu Beshuvcha LeTzion Berachamim – ‘May our eyes behold the return to Zion with compassion’.

It is amazing to witness the vibrancy on the Jerusalem streets, all hours of the day and night, from small children, to the elderly, all absorbing the wonderful atmosphere and holiness of this splendid and magical city.

We decided to bring along our Lulav and Etrog, while visiting various sites in and around Jerusalem, and encountered many  ‘customers’, from all walks of life, who eagerly lined up on the streets for the precious opportunity to recite a Brachah – blessing, and shake the Arbah Minim – Four Species  It is indeed heartwarming and uplifting to see and experience the incredible  Jewish spirit alive and well among the people of Israel.

As the solemn days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have now concluded, and we enter the final festive days of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah, please make an effort to come along and join in the festivities, and ensure that Minyanim will be secured for the last days of the festival. Our sages teach us that, through the joyous singing and dancing on these concluding chagim, we have the great power and privilege to  draw down all the holy blessings of the High Holidays into the physical and earthly tangible realm, for good health, happiness, prosperity and Nachat, 

We will, please G-d, visit the Kotel – Western Wall again to offer prayers on behalf of our community. If you would like us to mention your name, or the names of your family members, please email Hebrew names and Mother’s Hebrew name by return email to this newsletter.

We express our deep thanks to Yossi White for graciously filling in for us in our absence, to assist with the leading of the services and reading the Torah, and to all our wonderful Shul attendees.

Mazal Tov to our respective Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshit honorees, Phillip Zavelsky and Dr Paul Tesar, and may all the wonderful blessings, which will be bestowed upon them, be fulfilled for them and their families in their fullest measure, materially and spiritually.

Join us in Jerusalem, when you attend Shul services over the next few days of Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah  .

Wishing you Shabbat Shalom, and Chag Sameach and may we all meet together in Yerushalyim NOW!

Rabbi Levi & Dvorah Jaffe